Nov 12, 2011


At our school they split the kids up into teams. This year I'm on the Pumas and sarah is on the Beanglas. We are on different teams, I'm upsstairs she downstairs,so the only time we get to see eachother is in lunch. We have 6 overall bffs. But there are always people that I don't know and people that she doesn't know because we are on diffreent teams with different people. But we get around with having a whole lot of friends. The whole scholl know us as the Chichester twins. We are pretty popular just becasue we are Identical,playin the band, and we are in a auditional choir called Shennedoah sound. So yeah we have lots of friends.

Nov 11, 2011

This is my little brother Nate's choir singing at the towns veterans ceremony.
These are some pictures from my home towns  ceremony.

veterns day

Today is Veterans day and today I saw  twins turn 11 on 11/11/11 in the Washington post newspaper. I thought to my self that's cool but really who cares.That's not fair they get to get in the newspaper just because they turned 11 on 11/11/11! But whatever! I pray and thank God for all those who have or are fighting for our country. Thank you God! Bye!

Nov 5, 2011


 My Mom made the gloves and I knitted the scarf!                                                                  My family has always crocheted and knitted. Sarah and I knit together all the time! It's one thing that we love to do to bond. We always make stuff together and make stuff for each other. If you want to learn how to knits here is a couple websites. (best website to get yarn ever!) So yeah that's it for the day!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        If you want to learn how to knits here is a couple websites. (Best website to get yarn ever!) So yeah that's it for the day!!!!!

Nov 1, 2011


Both Sarah and I love music. So we do band in sschool. Sarah plays trumpet and I play French Horn. We love band and we love our band teacher Ms.Dyke! Ms.Dyke has always had a hard time telling us apart and I'm not sure why. I mean I play French Horn and she plays Trumpet. But ethier way she's awesome! It's really sasd how lots of kids my age dont even know what a French Horn is! Lots of peopkle say oh my gosh thats big and I sayy not as big as the tuba! My mom played French Horn and so did my uncle so I had to play French Horn! Well thats band!

Oct 28, 2011

pic is of me and Sarah hugging each other last year birthday. The lower one Sarah and I doing fishy face around Christmas time


For Halloween Sarah and I have always wanted to dress up as Thing one and Thing two from Cat in the Hat. We still haven't done it but we plan on doing that next year.

Oct 25, 2011

We have to!

There is certain things we have to do. Sarah and I always sleep in the same bed together.  right after we were born I was taken into the nikku for a couple of days because of high blood sugar. Right when I was back in the room with mom and sarah, mom cuddled both of us up together. And ever since then we haven't been separeated. My mom said while I was gone that sarah would not go to sleep without me. We always sleep together.  And that is just one thing we have to do! I'll tell you anther thing that we have to do tommrow.

Oct 22, 2011

fun with my sis

I love when we goo places such as friends house,the store,library,etc. Because you may think it's fun to go with friends or with your mom but it isn't half as fun as going with your twin sister! People are always asking us questions and stuff like that. will got to go!

Oct 20, 2011

In Band and Chour

In band and choir we are both in the room. So the teachers often get us confused. I don't blame them, they have to remember like at least 60 kids or more and we look the same so it can be a lot to handle. For band it is a little easier because I play French Horn and Sarah plays trumpet. well I will tell you more tomorrow! peace Out!

Oct 19, 2011

People at Church

Lots of people at church love us! But there is a lot of elderly people there is it can get hard for them! We still love them though!

Oct 18, 2011

A school Day

Everyday is a hard day for twins in school because everyone either gets you wrong or thinks it's a guessing game. At least one or two everyday say "Oh, your so alike!" or "You guys look exaectly the same!" And I think to myself get to know us first and then try and say that! I hate how everyone thinks that we are so alike and that we like the same of every single thing. Twins,triplets,brothers and sisters all have their own personality. I love my sister. We do everything together, but being a twin can be annoying sometimes. I'm not saying that once you meet us you will be able to tell us apart(That would be a joke!). But if you have known us for two years and I have short hair and she has long hair,then you should be able to tell us apart.(We don't even wear the same clothes). We each have our own differences! That's what makes us humans. And us twins count!